The solid drinking diet, according to nutritionists, belongs to the section of the most dangerous to human health -weight loss method completely eliminates food consumption!This does not mean that next month you will say goodbye to the concept of "food" and drink only purified water every day. But the whole diet will really consist of fluid.
If you do not consider yourself a person hardened in iron, choose more gentle, but no less effective methods, such as 6 petals, your favorite or Kremlin diet or drinking, but for 14 or 7 days.

During the days of drinking you will literally have to fight with your nature, and this is far from easy. After all, any diet is stressful for the body, it will require you common sense and strength of mind in the most difficult moments, but a solid diet to drink is quite different. And we will explain why, we will present you a detailed menu, we will tell you how many days you need to reduce calorie intake, we will give a vegetable recipe, write down the pros and cons of the method. And it's up to you to decide if the fight against excess weight is worth it.
How much can you throw away on such a diet if you sit on it properly? Reviews on the Internet speak of results up to 20 kilograms per month.
What's the point?
Initially, everyone needs - to chew - this is an inseparable reflex of the body. In addition (and not everyone realizes this), we all have some kind of "timer" installed inside. When a person consumes food, the brain "calculates" the total amount eaten, so we feel full. Sometimes the timer doesn't work when we eat while watching a TV series or listen to music while eating.
You may have noticed that decent cafes and restaurants always play music or the TV is noisy - this is no accident. Loud noises drown out the "timer" and you no longer know the measure and therefore eat more than you should. For this reason, we advise you to train to eat in complete silence. Within a month you will notice tangible benefits.
The ability to eat quietly will be necessary when you decide to leave the drinking diet. As long as you do not eat, but drink, it is useless to cheat, because the brain can not calculate the amount of alcohol consumed.
But what is the essence of the drinking diet, what can and what you should absolutely take out of your fridge next month? While every other, even the most stringent method provides for at least interval food intake, the diet forbids its use at all.The main ingredient for the next 14-30 days is the liquid in all its manifestations- This means that in addition to the required liter and a half of purified water per day, you can eat: fermented dairy products, fermented baked milk, milk, soups, purees, yogurts, teas and coffees, broths, smoothies and everything that turns intoliquid state - fruits and vegetables (detailed menu will be presented later).
Keep in mind that during this period the consumption of soda and alcohol is prohibited. It is not necessary to worsen the already critical situation of the body with harmful toxins and substances.
The creators of the diet predicted the optimal time of the drinking diet - 30 days. However, numerous practices have led to the conclusion that a tangible result can be seen after 4-5 days. It is important to properly enter into such a drinking diet.If you have previously eaten a significant amount of protein and carbohydrates during the day, but suddenly stopped and sat only on water, this is not far from the hospital bed.
Before switching completely to such a diet, you should go through an adjustment period of 5-10 days, during which you will be able to gradually reduce the amount of food you eat.

Let's cut your diet in half during the first three days, and on the 10th day it is already recommended to eat up to 100-200 calories a day. Thus, by the 10th day, the lion's share of your lunch regime will be liquid (60-70%, 20-30% - chewing food) - this will greatly simplify such a difficult task of the body and allow you to quickly achieve the desired results.
During a diet to drink water cleanses the gastrointestinal tract. The feeling of heaviness is eliminated, the body becomes light as a feather.
Drinking a large amount of drink will quench your hunger until you get 0 calories, and the nutrients and minerals for a month, a week with juices and liquid broths will still continue to enter your body! But not everything is as smooth as it seems at first glance. The method also has many disadvantages.
Advantages and disadvantages
So, we have already discussed the main aspects of the drinking diet in general, it is time for details. In a month of voluntary hunger strike, you will, of course, lose weight. But let us point out: it will not burn fat at all, but your cells and tissues. But the water will not go anywhere, on the contrary, it will be carefully fixed in you.
You may understand the expression "to swell with hunger", because the water that sits in the tissues will be the main cause of "hungry" swelling, then the skin will swell.
A useful service will bring a diet to drink for 7 days, 14 or unloading for 3 - this time is more than enough to happen detoxification, which is so necessary for modern man - the release of toxic substances from the body with water and sweat.
If you look at the outside of the medal, then the advantage of this technique will be the formation of your iron will. It will be useful to you at a later age and, in our opinion, will help you to freely try less dangerous, but equally difficult for mental and physiological diets, without the risk of giving up in the middle of the road.
Doctors believe that the drinking diet is a slow but sure death of the body. And if you get too carried away, it is possible in the last stages of a strict drinking regime harmless desire to "slow down" to become a dangerous disease - anorexia.

However, despite the disadvantages of the water diet, the method also has a useful advantage, which, if used properly, can bring unlimited benefits - the complete elimination of the risk of dehydration. It is guaranteed for all people who adhere to any other strictest diet. People who lose weight often reduce their water intake, but the drinking diet is just the opposite.
Different nutritional strategies must be combined to achieve maximum effect. Organize one or two weeks of fasting on a drinking regimen, gradually get out of it and switch to another diet that you just like. But for this you need to make the right menu for all periods.
List of authorized products
First, let's find out what and how much you can consume during a diet to drink water for a month and a week. To your attention products containing a minimum of calories:
- Plain water of one and a half liters per day;
- Homemade broths;
- Black tea, green tea, coffee (do not add sugar and sweeteners);
- Fruit and vegetable juices (carrot, apple, beet, etc. );
- Sour drinks, compotes;
- Protein diet on yogurt;
- Fruit and vegetable, beef and fish broths;
- Dairy products 2%.
Spicy vegetables or very sweet fruits, spices and condiments, whole milk yogurts, store juices, vegetable oil (not to mention alcohol) are excluded, otherwise the results will not please you. Salt can be used in small portions for broths.
Drinking diet for 30, 14, 7 and 3 days
How much to diet, everyone decides for himself, depending on the goals.
For a 30-day drinking ration, as opposed to 14 days, five stages are typical.After an adaptive 10 days of reducing calories consumed (sometimes a week is enough), start 10 days of basic cleansing of the hollow organs and intestinal tract.The next 10 days include dense organs - liver, kidneys. So on the 20th day, a feeling of malaise in the area of these organs is possible. And finally - purification at the cellular level. During this period, you feel boundless lightness and the discomfort in the body disappears.
To achieve the desired results in one month (for the cautious - a week), you can eat:
- Dairy products for breakfast, yoghurts;
- After a few hours, freshly squeezed juice (orange, grapefruit, apple);
- For lunch, broth or chicken soup without meat or soup of puree, tea, coffee;
- Afternoon breakfast - jelly, berry compote;
- Dinner - a little yogurt.
The menu requires variety so that your body gets all the necessary nutrients. So, a 7 or 14-day, more loyal method of losing weight with water for a week may include:
- Monday: juices, compotes;
- Tuesday: jelly based on oats or berries and berries;
- Wednesday: milk day, kefir 1, 5%, milk and yogurt;
- Thursday: fish, chicken and vegetable broths;
- Friday: soup puree, tea, broth, fruit and vegetable liquid soups;
- Saturday: protein diet - yogurt, fermented baked milk, milk;
- Sunday: repeat the day of freshly squeezed juices and jellies.
The 3-day drinking ration is the easiest way of the whole method of unloading the body and losing weight. It is suitable for combination with sparing diets. On the first day it is allowed to use only dairy products, on the second prepare broths, and on the last - juices, jellies and compotes. In any case, start from personal desires when preparing the diet, write it on a piece of paper, come up with your own recipes.

Recipe bonus
If your imagination has let you down and you no longer know how to diversify your daily drinking menu, we present to your attention the following recipe: make a puree for soup. First, prepare 1 liter of medium-fat broth and vegetables (broccoli, onions, peppers, potatoes, carrots). Wash and clean the vegetables, add them to the boiling broth and cook until soft. Grind the resulting mass with a blender to a puree. It turns out to be slightly thick. Spice up your daily drinking menu with this easy puree soup.
How to get out of the drinking diet?
Extremely important in the event plays the exit from the drinking diet, as this must be done properly to avoid negative consequences for the body, because this is its "second birth". Especially if you have been on a diet for 14 to 30 days andthe threat of exhaustion is already looming over your body.An organism that has already forgotten solid food will take twice as long to get used to it.So, if you sit on a drinking diet for 30 days, the result will be 2 months. For 14-28 days.
- During the first week for breakfast, introduce liquid cereals, gradually increasing their dose for consumption.
- The second week is still dinner to drink, but for breakfast you can eat a boiled egg, a small cheese sandwich.
- The third week is breakfast cereal, but fruits and vegetables are already associated with dinner.
- Fourth week - you can finally meat! Fish, beef, chicken in the beginning in small quantities.
- Fifth week - what you started with, standard meals, only one day a week, make a drink on an empty stomach.
For the next unlimited period, be sure to exclude excessive consumption of sweet and salty, floury and fatty foods. And most importantly - drink plenty of fluids.
If you still dare to lose weight with water for 14-30 days, do not forget to ensure the right way out of the drinking diet, otherwise your body will reject the food offered.
To achieve the long-awaited result in 14, 30 days, in addition to the strength of spirit, you will need the ability to properly analyze the situation and prioritize.Maybe at some point you will feel in your mind that it is time to go beyond the strictest limits for weight loss, but with your body you will feel that everything is so good.On this day, you will be required to be prudent and able to objectively assess the situation for your own well-being. And remember that the drinking diet is gifted with fine organization and requires a detailed approach. Think about it, maybe more humane methods are applicable to you.